Coffee Advantages and Disadvantages
Coffee has been one of the most enjoyed beverages for many generations. With its popularity and cultural element coffee has been part of a long standing debate about whether or not consuming the beverage causes major disadvantages over its obvious benefits. There have been many studies that try to examine the full effects of coffee in the human body, especially if consumed in large quantities. Although it is undeniable that coffee has become a cultural phenomenon that is part of the routine rituals for many consumers, several research findings have brought up confounding evidence to support some prior claims to the negative effects of excessive coffee consumption. With this said, there has also been some advancements in understanding the health benefits of drinking coffee and how it can help it’s drinkers prolong life and battle specific diseases.
The Benefits of Low Acid Coffee Consumption
Coffee is rich with helpful antioxidants; elements which help regulate the oxygenation of cells and prevent damage to the body. Antioxidants are known to combat the signs of aging and promote cell repair. Coffee is rich in chlorogenic acid and melanoidins which are potent antioxidants.
Clinical studies have proven the effects of reducing the predisposition for Parkinson’s disease with regular coffee drinking. These researches have produced viable evidence proving that individuals who regularly consume coffee have a significantly lower risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Further study is being done to determine what causes this and potentially extract the coffee element to aid in the treatment of Parkinson’s.
The United States Nurses Health Study Initiative has published a paper on coffee drinking and its effects on potentially protecting patients against the onset of type 2 diabetes. A prospective research study has found out that controlled consumption of coffee lowers the risk of the development of type 2 diabetes in test subjects, which were women in the 30-40 age brackets. Alcohol induced liver cirrhosis is a serious threat to many adults and can be contracted through excessive alcohol intake and chronic alcoholism. Studies have shown primary results in the effects of coffee in potentially protecting the liver against cirrhosis and more research is being done to see it’s legitimate effects in managing existing cirrhosis conditions.
Recent medical evidence has also pointed out the contributing factor of coffee in the prevention and protection of the urinary bladder against gallstone formation for both male and female adults. On this account, a study on kidney stone formation has also mentioned the effects of coffee consumption in lowering the risk of kidney stone formation as well as increasing the urine volume and preventing the crystallization of gallstone components such as calcium oxalate.
It is a well-accepted fact that caffeine which is found in coffee is a potent neuro-stimulant. Consuming moderate amounts of coffee will promote alertness, stimulate the brain cortex and keep you awake. Drinking a cup of coffee also helps in information processing in the brain. Caffeine which is found in coffee is a similar chemical to theophylline which has been known to be effective in the management of asthma. Caffeine can serve as a bronchodilator helping open up constricted airways in asthmatic episodes.
The Dangers of Drinking Too Much Coffee
The term “too much of something is bad enough” clearly applies to excessive caffeine and coffee consumption. Here are some known disadvantages associated with too much coffee intake. Coffee has been in many controversial arguments about its effects on existing cardiovascular conditions and its potential to create one. Many clinical trials and studies have shown that excess in coffee consumption can significantly heighten the risk factors for cardiovascular compromise. In many cardiovascular related researches, chemical components diterpenes cafesol and kahweol are found in coffee have been identified to greatly increase the risk of coronary heart failure as well as the cholesterol stimulating effects of diterpenes have been outlined. Excess coffee consumption has also been cited to accelerate the production of plasma homocysteine in the circulatory system which increases the risk for coronary heart disease exponentially. Of course the argument that antioxidants in the coffee help improve cell repair remains a valid stand which is why it is said that coffee should be consumed in moderation.
Low density lipoprotein is considered as one of the most dangerous forms of cholesterol in the body and is consequentially increased by a copious consumption of coffee. In this perspective, unfiltered coffee also contains two potentially dangerous chemicals that increase the onset of cholesterol in the body, cafesol and kahweol. There have also been studies that excessive coffee consumption could lead to the deterioration of cardiovascular vessels and its ability to facilitate circulation. An increase in cholesterol levels can contribute to several cardiovascular anomalies such as cardiac arrhythmia's.
Although coffee has been contributed to the breakdown of calcium oxalate, a compound that is responsible for producing crystalline stones in the kidneys it does increase the emission of calcium from the body. This presents a problem when coffee is non-regulated in consumption, because it increases the risk of osteoporosis in women.